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经典动画片英文台词节选:狮子王, 看一部精彩的英文动画是轻松学习英语的好方法。以下就是经典动画片英文台词节选:狮子王,快和宝宝学起来吧。 - Now, you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you。 - Ooh, what is it? - If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise。 - If you tell me, I'll still act surprised。 - You are such a naughty boy。 - Come on, Uncle Scar。 - No, no, no, no, no。 - This is just for 贵阳治疗癫痫病要花多少钱you and your daddy。 - You know, a sort of father-son...thing。 - Well, I better go get h张家界癫痫治疗最权威医院im。 - I'll go with you。 - No! - No. Just stay on this rock。 - You wouldn't want to end up in another mess...like you did with the hyenas。 - You know about that? - Simba, everybody knows about that。 - Really? 老年性癫痫的症状 - Oh, yes。 - Lucky Daddy was七台河治疗癫痫的医院 there to save you, eh? - Oh, and just between us...you might want to work on that little roar of yours。 - Oh, OK。 - Hey, Uncle Scar, will I like this surprise? - Simba, it's to die for。 本文选自《七里泡沫》新浪博客,点击阅读原文。


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